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Belajar dari Benua Biru Eropa

Tahukah kalian, di tahun 2018, di Eropa mampu mengumpulkan dan mengolah 2.9 milyar liter minyak jelantah menjadi biodiesel. Wah keren ya. Padahal mereka termasuk sedikit dalam mengkonsumsi makanan gorengan jika dibandingkan Indonesia. Kita kan gemar banget ya makan gorengan, ayam goreng, pempek, dan sebagainya. Lalu bisa gak ya Indonesia melakukan hal serupa dengan Eropa ? Jawabannya bisa, jika kita bergerak bersama.

Hey guys, do you know that in 2018, Europe Union is able to collect and convert 2.9 billion litres of UCO (Used Cooking Oil) as biodiesel/HVO. What is surprising for me is the European fried food consumption is actually less than Indonesian. It should be noted that almost half of those number comes from outside Europe, such as China, therefore actually Europe import UCO to fulfill UCOME demand, as mandate from Renewable Energy Directive (RED). I am as Indonesian recognize the opportunity that Indonesian who consume a lot of fried food such as fried chicken, pempek, and other are actually able to collect UCO. Do you think we can capture UCO potential in Indonesia ?


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